Full moon Serenade

He was nothing but an invisible shadow to others

When he left the office he knew no one had notice he had ever arrived

The world seemed distant as he walked lowering his head above ominous pavements

As he passed the concrete figures a wind took a hold of his trench, bringing sounds of laughter from an ongoing Christmas feast

Once, he turned around, sure of that someone was watching but no one was there to meet his sorrowful glance or notice his obscure appearance

It was then it struck him;

– Maybe?, he thought…    …there was a chance he was the loneliest man in the world

Before turning the key to his apartment he had to turn around and look again, almost sure of that someone was following

…but street stood empty and the only sound was a nearby teakettle groaning in dismay

That evening he went to bed later than usual and for some reason he suddenly felt a bit at ease

 He fell asleep feeling safer and brighter than in a very long time

That evening there was a full moon

It had watched over him, embracing his spiritless little mind with its inescapable glisten  

caressingly waddled him to sleep like a mother waddling her child

As first stripes of dawn reached the linen he knew he had never ever been alone

Maneaters strike after full moon

Full moon link to animal behavour revealed

Full moon, Wikipedia and Lunar effects ?

Full moon Calendar

Timbuktu Tur-och Retur

Min fältstudie har flyttats fram så så länge får jag nöja mig med en “kristlig” jul i traditionens tecken. Hade det inte varit för att slumpen i det här fallet ter sig lite bättre än det faktiskt planerade hade jag kanske varit aningens missmodig över den avbokade biljetten. Men icke. Will not. Egentligen av den enkla anledningen att jag vill komma hem också. Med tiden har jag blivit något bättre på att försöka ta det säkra före det osäkra – om inte för mig så kanske mest för andra. Det finns alltid någon som blir glad av det!

Det är väl lite med det som med det här att gå att ångra sig, eller att gå och vara bitter över saker för länge..

Också väldigt dålig idé. Gjort är ju gjort och hänt har hänt. Det är nästan att jag på sistone frågat mig: kan det vara så att man kan komma över saker för snabbt? Men går man efter måttot: hellre agera än re-agera är det liksom bara så det blir, och för den som snabbare vill ta sig fram i terrängen är detta hysteriskt varmt att rekommendera..

Dra en liten oskyldig hämnd, lev rövare, skriv en bok eller varför inte en sång? Allt för din egen skull om det får dig att må bättre. Om du vet att du är god i själ och hjärtat och vet vad du gör. Fort!, sen är du redo att dra vidare mot bättre höjder.. Precis som Timbuk gått rakt in i hjärtat efter tv4:s lördagssatsning “Så mycket bättre”.

Tack för klartexten Jason, du är ett geni. (Med ett väldigt stort leende.)

PS: Det Brittiska gamla ordstävet från Andra Världskriget visar numera att det finns andra sätt att hantera moraliska betänkligheter på.. Just pick and choose!

eller varför inte..?

 Det finns alltid någon som stöttar dig, vad du än väljer att göra.

With a lot of love,


“Money talks”, Mr Italy

Today I came to the following four deductions;

1. The Northfolks can righteously envisage another brutal and powerful winter…

2. BUT! – There is no need for despair. The lovely face of Karl Pilkington will be back in the Swedish TV-channel with start already on Sunday at 21.30 pm. (Please Ricky, just be nice!!)

3. Seems like Italy is having a “little” obstacle to handle. Money talks, Mr Italy..

4. The only obstacle for my part – that could get in the way for the very evolution of a fairly good, informative and knowledge-generating research would ..maybe, possibly, ..contingently perhaps most likely be – MUSIC.

I do know several causes, circumstances and effects of forest and natural resource depletion but How –  in the name of Mother Earth – will I keep myself from a total depletion of Youtube?! Man, that site has changed my circles.. into small little jolly tunes jammin’ through the air.

Every fall there are mainly two artists that literally jumps out from a dusty and light-minded shelf.. Van the Man and Bruce – The Boss. I think they easily could be divided into two cathegories: “Moments of Peace”, and “Moments of undisruptable change or Bewilderness”

I actually spotted Bruce Springsteen once at a famous hotel in Gothenburg during his World Tour in 2008. We had a short chat. He called me “Darling” and shaked my hand as if it was made of marble. I can say my visions of a legendary rock’n’rolla were non-defeated whatsoever. It was a bit confusing seeing him there in the canapé, harmoniously relaxing with a drink, just a couple of minutes after a whole stadium was put on “Fire”.

This just makes me crazy.

Now, there is lyrics and there is lyrics. There are some that just brakes you down into small fractions of a 70’s-worn leather jacket…

Now I know your mama she don’t like me ’cause I play in a rock’n’roll band

And I know your daddy he don’t dig me but he never did understand..
Papa lowered the boom, he locked you in your room
I’m comin’ to lend a hand

I’m comin’ to liberate you, confiscate you, I want to be your man

Someday we’ll look back on this and it will all seem funny
But now you’re sad, your mama’s mad
And your papa says he knows that I don’t have
any money

Well tell him this is his last chance, to get his daughter in a fine romance

Because a record company, Rosie, just gave me a big ADVAAANCE!!!

Speaking of Papas, don’t forget Father’s Day on Sunday.

Sleep tight everybody. 🙂

Rare short-cut – Rosalita:

And the 2011 Nobel prize in literature goes to…

Tomas Tranströmer!

The mystical poet. Born and raised in Stockholm 1931.

He is also a psychologist, translator and a talented pianist. He had his major break-through in 1954 (23 years old) with the set of 17 dikter, and was elected with the motivation of his “truly distinctive metaphorical language that gives us new access to reality”. Tranströmer’s poetry can be described as dreamy, embedded in mysticism with a sense of legendary religion, often conveyed through scenic images of his fatherlands’ nature and seas.

Vi vet det egentligen inte, men anar det: det finns ett systerfartyg till vårt liv, som går en helt annan trad. Medan solen brinner bakom öarna.

Tomas Tranströmer in 1983


Congrats Sweden! 🙂

A moment of calm

I put on the light, turn on the computer and click on my wordpress link. At this very moment I have no idea what to write but some days you just know, the word is in your hands. It may be painting, sewing, cooking or designing, whatever it may be, fullfilling the daily need of thoughts and expression can be as hugely fundamental as eating.

The past week has been lovely and just the kind of September you usually long for, with warm sunny days and nippy winds. We got so many apples this year we could basically fill up a church tower. I’ve been digging after sources and material for my coming trip to the south and am happy to see some spots of (indian) summer tan after working in the sun. I’ve checked newscasts, some recent reports and ordered my Visa.  Of course, with a few cups of delightful, crema-covered and ebony-colored espressos in between.. Hereunto, I everything is under control.

..Which has not been the case the last few days when the youngest family member Max invaded the home. Except from all the kilometers his short little legs must do in a day, and the overall excitement hundreds of apples may cause rolling on a porch he is totally blissed-out by my books on wildlife, lions, tigers, crocodiles and all other animals with the slightest possibility of looking dangerous or deadly dreadful. I’ve never, and mean NEVER, during my experience with kids in his age seen anyone getting so utterly and completely excited if spotting them, if only on a tiny piece of paper. Shaking and screaming and imitating their growlings with joy. What does it mean?? ..

– Is he a lion tamer?

Whatever it is Auntie says “Yes”! Cause this means several, or more, visits to the zoo, or maybe even a wished-for travel companion to the Amazones? I will never forget when we had the luck to spot a jaguar in Peru and just found out that there are quite a few lions hiding in the bushes where I’m going to now. (!) If I’ll see one my fearless nephew will definitely have a very special Christmas card this year. 😉

Skatten - the soft-spoken tiger

Enjoy your evening,


Veckans fönstertema – Fri som en fjäril

Efter två dagars mystiska ljud fann jag den, frenetiskt flaxa mot fönsterglaset när jag satt och försökte koncentrera mig i rummet bredvid. Jag trodde först det var en sån där liten nattfjäril som ofta kommer in om nätterna på sommarhalvåret.

Eftersom fönstret där den var inte gick att öppna öppnade jag det bredvid och väntade på att den skulle flyga ut… Men icke. Passade på att njuta av dess vackra höstfärger då den slog upp vingarna för att vila. Sträckte fram en tidning och efter en liten stund var det som om den förstod att det var den som var biljetten som skulle ta den tillbaka ut i friheten. Blev både lite avis och lättad när jag såg den flyga iväg!!

Fri som ett Påfågelöga